Hey guys! It’s been a while since the last update, so I thought that I’d post a few random sketches, just so you have something to look at. At the end of the day, when I’m in bed or just winding down after doing commission work, I like to just sketch stuff out without thinking much. It helps get out all my “junk” drawings. It’s also nice to not be constricted by panel borders. As I’m sure all of you comic artists agree, sometimes you just want to draw, and not worry about drawing people in a room talking. Sometimes these sketches help me flesh out an entirely new storyline. Anything could happen.
Here’s a little doodle I did when my wife left for her tour with her Shakespeare company, and I was super lonely. Not like I have conversations with my characters out loud or anything……Brush pens and PS tones.

Here is another illustration I did when I was concepting Jonah’s space marine costume, which I used in the first few pages of the comic. I had worked out quite a few kinks at this point, so this was a final “this is it” design. I used the Pentel Brush Pen and some Copic markers. Love those.

Here’s a little more practicing with my main character, with my trusty Pentel color brush pen.

And here’s a little action shot of Alphius kicking some butt. Brush pen again!

That’s it for now! I hope to keep updating the blog with more of these. I always love it when my favorite artists put up their sketches, so I’m just following suite, I guess. New comic coming tomorrow, and that will also launch the 2 comic pages a week schedule! Also! An official announcement comes tomorrow! Keep an eye out!
Get pumped!