Here it is! The very last page of chapter 4.
I want to thank all of you for sticking with my story and my characters. I know that it’s gotten quite heavy lately. I guess I want to tell a story that people can have fun reading, but also makes people think a little more as they finish the last pages.
Anyway. Chapter 5 is coming Thursday. Promise things get lighter.
Thanks again!
nice touch!
Thanks man!
Thanks for puttiing so much thought into the story.
You’re welcome, Jay! Thanks for sticking with it!
pacing – so good. Sad ending to this chapter, but life is sad. Looking forward to more adventures
Thank you for the wonderful compliment, Simon! Youre gonna dig chapter 5!
Most Touching Chapter so far. great work bro.
Thank you, sir!
I’m glad he kept a reminder of her.
Me too. I’m trying to let my characters write themselves, and this seemed like something that Jonah would do.
Oh my goodness my heart!
Thanks for reading and for feeling it, Cloie!
Jonah will never have to think about an answer to the question: What was the worst thing you ever did in your live?
Oh Bobbi! Oh Jona…
very beautiful end to a dear character.
I love the excessive use of white. You punched me in the gut, like a really hard liver shot. I mean this as a symbolic compliment. Thanks Dan for giving us your art.
Awesome work, can’t wait to see what’s next!
I have nothing to add to what the others have said. A very good story and I did get involved in the characters.
Thursday! Thursday! Thursday! Thursday!
Perhaps this was heavy, but in the same, it was best one yet. Real, sad, exiting, tense and beautiful. Thank you for this!
And yes…an error of thought. Should read but at the same time, but I think you get the picture
Where are they ging to find a Lion’s Club to donate those glasses out “there?”
going not ging!
Your tale is hard on the heart but it is a great read, in no small part due to the way you often tell it without using words.
I hate you so much for making me cry on the office!