Hey friends! I hope you dig this page. A few quick things.
Tonight is the first night of my wife’s Shakespeare Company (The Suitcase Shakespeare Company) premiering the Tempest at the Athenaeum Theater here in Chicago. They allowed me to do the illustration and design for the show poster (which I had a blast with.) If you’re in the area, I highly reccomend going to see this. Suitcase Shakes makes Shakespeare into something accessible and fun and heartfelt, instead of lame and scholarly (which was my experience beforehand). There’s also a photo of some of the PUPPETS that are going to be in the show. Yeah, I said PUPPETS. And they’re incredible. Seriously. Come out and see this.
Also, I’m going to be at C2E2 again! I’m splitting a table with the awesome Tyrell Cannon. We will at table S3 in Artists Alley. To help cover costs for my table, I’m opening up my commission list again. If you have a commission idea/request, shoot me an email at artisticgorillaprod at gmail dot com, and you can either pick it up at the show or I can mail it to you! $50 per character, pen and ink, on 9 x12 inch bristol. Here’s a sample of one that I did recently:
Hope to hear from you! Or, at the very least, say hi to you at the show.
I love all the characters in this story!
Oh…and Beautiful poster
great illustrations Dan, nice work. Tell Rachel good luck for me!
LOL out of toilet paper again i love it
dude! love the puppets!! and the poster… and the new page… yup… just overwhelmed with love for things! 8) Kudos!
They ALLOWED you? They should have been BEGGING you!!!
btw… when are we going to find out what in the hell that new creature IS ?? Or did I miss something? Or does it not matter?
Every update from you is a blast. Cheers man.
For the comic… also a blast every time.
Howard’s demeanor made me laugh. 
Also, I love Alf’s look in the top right panel. It’s so ‘holier than thou.’